2024年7月1日 星期一

CAN Bus Sniffer by PeakCAN windows software GUI

經由這篇文章PeakCAN windows software for CAN Bus message後, 再次利用PeakCAN的 PCANBasic API for C#的sample修改為自己的CAN Bus Sniffer擷取在CAN BUS介面上的資料!
1. 增加monitor功能 
所有的CAN Bus上的資料 Tx and Rx 都可以即時監控.
2. 增加可同時多個Tx 傳送的CAN Bus資料依據個別定義的時序傳送
After reading this article PeakCAN windows software for CAN Bus message, I once again used the sample of PeakCAN's PCANBasic API for C# to modify it into my own CAN Bus Sniffer to capture the data on the CAN BUS interface!
1. Add monitor function
All data Tx and Rx on the CAN Bus can be monitored in real time.
2. Added CAN Bus data that can be transmitted by multiple Tx at the same time according to individually defined timings.
利用自己製作的ESP32 CAN module搭配CAN Hacker software去做驗證!


