1. Arduino 開發板
2. 步進馬達驅動(以前用兩顆FT5754步進馬達DRIVER, 現在直接買現成for arduino 腳位專用的L293D電機驅動擴展板)
3. 光碟機步進馬達XY軸架構
圖一:Arduino L293D電機驅動擴展板
1. Arduino 1.6.9 software
2. 免費向量繪圖軟體Inkscape + unicorn GCode extension(用作輸出 G-code的好用工具)
3. GRBL for Arduino
1. https://www.marginallyclever.com/2015/01/choose-controller-electronics-first-cnc/
2. http://www.instructables.com/id/Mini-CNC-Machine-Arduino-Based-Adafruit-Driver-Mot/step7/Make-your-own-gcode-files/
3. https://github.com/MakerBlock/TinyCNC-Sketches
準備好軟硬體的工具後就可以開始動手玩mini CNC了.
1. 首先 把硬體部分接好參照前一篇量好步進馬達的腳位, 一組會導通的Pin接A+ A-, 另一組 接B+ B-. 這樣基本上馬達就可以動作了.
2. 再來就是要把mini CN Plotter 的FW upload 到你arduino的板子
3. 準備好你的Gcode
這個部分要注意一下因為我使用 unicorn 所以它是以字樣圖形從中間對分, 作者註釋
- Size and locate your image appropriately:
- The CupCake CNC build platform size is 100mm x 100mm.
- Setting units to mm in Inkscape makes it easy to size your drawing.
- The extension will automatically attempt to center everything.
- Convert all text to paths:
- Select all text objects.
- Choose Path | Object to Path.
- Save as G-Code:
- File | Save a Copy.
- Select MakerBot Unicorn G-Code (*.gcode).
- Save your file.
4. 用Grbl controller 列印
5. 用Grbl controller 列印成品