2023年12月18日 星期一

Bluetooth Speaker

利用現有BT audio receiver board來製作一台藍芽音箱, 從中學習到一些電子模組的焊接組合, Fusion360的3D繪製倒出圖檔到雷射切割機去做箱體的切割. 

1. Bluetooth 5.0 Audio Receiver Board - Controllable Volume
This is a small size and cost-effective Bluetooth 5.0 Audio Receiver module with the auto-reconnect feature. It supports a wide-range power supply of 3.7V~24V and comes with a function button. Dial the button to the left and right to adjust volume, and press it to pause or play. You can use this module to remake your loudspeaker into wireless.

2. Mini Boost DC DC Step Up 1.5A Tegangan Fix Output Pilihan 5V 8V 9V 12V
Basic parameters
The output voltage can be set to 5V/8V/9V/12V, the default is 12V
Input voltage range: 2.5V- 5V
Output performance: Take 3.7V lithium battery input

3. Power Amp MINI SFT-9718 Stereo 60 Watt RMS. DC 12 V. - 15 V.
4. 喇吧與箱體


